Student Affairs
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Student Affairs
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Student Affairs
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Police and Security and Transportation
Ensuring a safe and easily accessible academic environment is one of the many priorities of UMMC and the Office of Student Affairs.
The UMMC Police and Public Safety Department is separate from, but works in conjunction with the Jackson Police Department. The campus is patrolled 24 hours a day, 365 years a year. Security and safety services offered to students, faculty, staff and visitors include, but are not limited to:
- convenient shuttle services
- experienced campus police force
- emergency telephone stations
- campus maps and directional information
The blue-lit emergency telephone stations located across the campus immediately connect students to UMMC Police and Public Safety Department. Escort programs, crime alert postings and crime prevention sessions also are offered. Visit the UMMC Police and Public Safety webpage for more information.
Our shuttle service offers clearly marked buses to take students to and from parking lots and classes. The service is free, convenient and a safe mode of transportation. For more information, visit the UMMC Parking and Shuttle Service webpage.